Post Birth Integration Guidance & Support
expand into motherhood with ease and well-being

Meet Amanda
I believe that a mother’s health, healing and wellbeing in the first months after birth are integral for the entire family. As a mother and healer my services offer encouragement, guidance and a safe cocoon for mothers during the postpartum period allowing for more support and nourishment where it is needed.
Support Offered
Bringing a new little soul into this world can be magical and transformative time - but it can also be exhausting, intense, and more consuming than expected. The welcoming of a new baby brings new circumstances, dynamics and a new and expanding shape to your life and family.
In many cultures around the world this transitional period is a time for the mother to be honored and cared for and a time for the new family to integrate and bond. Each family’s experiences will differ but the attention and care needed for the newly budding family during these precious first weeks is the same. Creating a space and container for the mother and family to rest, find balance and become ‘whole’.
Placenta Encapsulation
Self Care & Healing
Newborn Care
Emotional Support/Proccessing
Postpartum Life & Planning
What Families Say

"Having a baby takes a day or two. Becoming a mother takes months. Our needs as mothers are as important as the needs of our babies."